As wonderful as owning a boat may be, there is no denying that it is quite the investment. As a responsible boat owner, you would do anything to protect your investment and that is where Chafe-Pro® can help. Chafe-Pro® is the leader in removable chafe and abrasion solutions that aims to provide strong and economical systems to protect synthetic lines from chafe abrasion.
Chafe-Pro® produces anti-chafing devices for fender lines, eye splices, mooring lines, ship tow/ship assist lines, shore power lines and hydraulic hoses. So to put it simply, they have removable chafe and abrasion solutions bound to fit any need. Their products are also easily installed and removed. They can be hand wrapped around the line that needs to be protected and can even be installed on ones that are already in place. Chafe-Pro® is made from marine-grade abrasion-resistant polyester and nylon textiles therefore it is designed to protect boats and lines from abrasion.
Good marine lines have a fairly hefty price tag to them and without proper chafe gear, you risk damage and at one point, having to purchase replacements. If you fail to invest in chafe gear because you simply don’t want to spend the money on it, the endless cycle of having to repair or replace lines on your vessel will only end up costing more, proving that there is no use in skimping with your boat. As with everything else in life, the more you put into your vessel and its accessories, the more you’re bound to get out of it.
Although not having proper chafe gear may seem like no big deal initially, once you start damaging synthetic lines, docks, others’ boats and even your own, you’ll realize the true cost of this lack of investment. Today’s marine environment is only becoming harsher and Chafe-Pro® is the brand most capable of protecting your vessel and its finishes, marine ropes, and hydraulic hoses from this. An investment in Chafe-Pro® gear is an investment for your boat’s future you will never have to second guess.